Glue down flooring installation

The process for a proper glue down flooring installation is a lot more challenging than most people make it out to be, including those that are in the trade but haven’t really had the opportunity to knock out these kinds of installations all that frequently.

While this kind of floor installation looks relatively simple and relatively straightforward – usually all you have to do is slap down some adhesive and then apply your flooring material (linoleum, laminate, or something similar) over time and you are pretty much good to go – nothing could be further from the truth.

Glue can be incredibly unforgiving when you do not treated with respect, and when you make a mistake during your glue down flooring installation – especially when you’re talking about adhesives that set rather quickly – you’re looking at a permanent mistake that is going to cost you a small fortune to repair.

But when you choose to take advantage of the expertise of our glue down flooring installation team, you don’t have to worry about any of that headache, any of that hassle, or any of that extra expense. Our professionals are trained to do these kinds of jobs quickly, efficiently, and professionally without any missteps or mistakes along the way.

You have to spread the glue evenly and consistently

One of the secrets to a glue down floor installation is making sure that you spread only enough adhesive to cover an area of flooring that you can complete before the adhesive “goes off”, but you also need to make sure that you spread the glue as evenly and as consistently as possible so that you get the maximum adhesion from the glue that you are working with.

This takes a lot more effort, a lot more energy, and a lot more strategy (not to mention sometimes special tools) than just pouring adhesive down or pushing it out of a caulk gun and hoping for the best. Our experts know exactly how to knock this part of the project out perfectly for you so you don’t have anything to worry about!

Glue is messy, glue is smelly, and glue is tricky to handle – leave it to the professionals!

At the end of the day, there’s no real reason for you to have to tackle a glue down flooring installation project when there are so many different things that can go wrong, so many different variables that can negatively impact the finished result, and so many different situations that might cause you to have to reboot completely – but only after you have gotten started (resulting in a sky high budget).

If you want to avoid all of this hassle and headache completely simply contact our glue down flooring installation experts ASAP and we’ll be there to help you out!